Monday, November 19, 2012

My bakery time!!

Bahan - Bahannya
1 3/4 cawan tepung serbaguna
3/4 cawan serbuk koko
1 1/2 sudu teh baking powder
1 sudu teh baking soda
1 1/2 gula kastor (resepi asal nak 2 cawan, jadi terpulang)
1 sudu teh garam
2 biji telur Gred A
1/2 cawan minyak
2 sudu teh vanilla
1 cawan susu (selalu saya guna susu segar)
1 cawan air panas
cara - caranya...
Panaskan oven pada suhu 177'c, letakkan kertas minyak pada bahagian bawah loyang, ketepikan.. Campurkan gula + tepung +serbuk koko+baking powder+baking soda+garam didalam mangkuk. Gunakan pemukul telur (egg whisk) untuk mengadun kesemua bahan sehingga bercampur semuanya. Tip dari rancangan Martha Bakes, kalau kalau kacau adunan kering menggunakan egg whisk nie tak perlu ayakkan tepung tu.... tapi terpulang.. :) dalam mixer pukul telur sehingga pecah kuningnya dan masukkan susu, minyak, dan esen vanilla. Pukul pada kelajuan sederhana selama 2 minit. masukkan bahan kering dan kacau sehingga sebati. akhir sekali masukkan air panas, ketika ini adunan akan kelihatan cair, jangan takut.. ok jer tu.. tuangkan ke dalam loyang, bakar selama 40 minit - 50 minit, atau check dengan pisau samada masih melekat.. tolong yea.. oven kite semua lain2 kepanaskannyer.. kene check walaupun resepi bagi masa tertentu atau permukaan kek nampak masak.. mesti check ^_^


"Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”

Friday, November 16, 2012


ToD@y's foreca$t

I thought that the summer is near with me because i can feel its heat.. Something seems diffrent from what i thought.. The heat slowly betrayed me,the forecast also change make my heart cold.. It ache,so hurt :'( Did u fell better?

U deserve better

Life is for having fun. Don't be stupid and waste it on some guy/girl who is gonna act like he/she hates you tomorrow. Never waste it on some one who doesn't want their friends to know they're in love with you. Don't give that person the rest of you tears or a month or a year of your life when he/she treats you badly and doesn't mind to make you cry. Every person deserves some one who wants to brag about them. Every person deserves some one who makes them smile and laugh at their worst moments. We all deserve at least that.

Sunday, September 23, 2012


Have a hard time...... Try to endure it... You!!! forget me not

Sunday, July 1, 2012


Start my world with this new environment....It gave me new oxygen gas to refresh mylife.Hard to believe that im now is 18 years long time didn't write here..>.< If Teacher read this,i would like to thank you for being my teacher..."THINKING OUTSIDE THE BOX" hahahahhahahha......bubbye!!!